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As Flawless as a chord from a Fender Stratocaster… John Mueller is living proof that Buddy Holly’s legacy will live on.

Chicago Tribune

Winter Dance Party captures the Holly era… a dead on re-creation of the 1959 show.

Kalamazoo Gazette

An air tight band with energy-packed execution of a long string of classics…these songs had all the vitality and punch that they carried many years ago.

Springfield State Journal Register

Everytime I see Ray Anthony perform as Ritchie it always makes me cry.

Irma Valens Ritchie Valens sister

Stunning Portrayal.

Chicago Sun-Times

Chief among the production’s virtues is an unaffected performance by John Mueller as the Texas songwriter

Kansas City Star

This musical Rocks with the charismatic John Mueller in the title role.

L.A. Times

[Niki Sullivan] . . . has nothing but praise for John Mueller…

San Diego Union Tribune

Throughout, John Mueller is Buddy Holly. In song after song, he sounds exactly like Holly. Even more to the point, he behaves like Holly.

The Reader

Mueller is superb as Holly, he not only looks like him, but plays guitar and sings like him too.

Backstage West

Venue Comments:

“I have to say that your show was one of the best I’ve seen here and the crowd has never been so excited! You’ve probably had more excited crowds, but for the Pike that was fantastic! I was very impressed with all of you. Having a show of your caliber at this theater is what we need more of, thanks for a great job. It was really a pleasure.”
Laura Neidig
Pike Performing Arts Center
Indianapolis, IN

“Winter Dance Party not only sold out, but had them dancing in the aisles. I am still receiving calls from patrons asking when they are coming back.”
Molly Noon
Iowa Western College Performing Arts Center
Council Bluffs, IA

“The guys were easy and fun to work with, and the show was phenomenal. We had an OUTSTANDING turnout for our town, and people are still talking about it. We look forward to working with you guys in the future! ”
K’Lynn Childress
Ocotillo Performing Arts Center
Artesia, NM

“Attendees called to tell us that yours was THE BEST concert they had attended in years- bar none- bar any price. We were all overwhelmed with the enthusiasm, costuming, timing and overall expertise of your troupe.Thanks again for appearing here at Central Square.”
Joyce Watson
Central Square Cultural & Civic Center
Glenwood MN

“Terrific to work with. Our audience knew you all gave 110% on stage. They had a great time, and we’re still hearing nice comments about the show. Many thanks for all your efforts!”
Mary Maronde
Stefanie H. Weill Center for the Performing Arts
Sheboygan WI

Fan Comments:

“This is the best concert I have been to in years. It was like I was back in high school. I was transported back in time 50 years to Clear Lake, Iowa.”
– Kenneth Bostick

“I attended your Winter Dance Party show in Grand Forks, ND last winter and consider it to be one of the best concerts I have ever attended.”
– Casper Beck

“What a great Rock N Roll show this past weekend at Brea, California… you and your fellow performers (including the Band) brought back many memories of the ’50s and 60’s. Loved every minute of your show, in fact, we saw it twice bringing new friends each show. Hope you come back to Southern Cal real soon.”
– Sally from Fountain Valley

“My dolly and I were at your Dance Party Saturday afternoon in Jasper, Indiana. I would have given anything to have had more room to fast dance as it was the best music for dancing I’ve heard in 30, 40, 50 years. I want you to know that I am not known for giving people good grades (and I taught mathematics for 35 years), but in this case I really want you to know that what you and your group brought to Jasper was tremendously fabulous.”
-Jerry L. Williams

“The show was great! My parents listened to that music when I was a child up into my teens. I could hear in your show the music that inspired the Beatles and so many that came after them.Thanks for the great performance.”
– Ken Reister

“We caught your show at Clovis and also at Alamo last night. Entertainer to Entertainer – I will have to agree – you are the best Buddy Holly out there I have seen. You have a superior back up band also. The Best!!!”
-Jim Martin

“I want to thank you for the OUTSTANDING show and the attention you gave to my special friend, Courtney, at the WDP in Artesia on Tuesday, September 23. We had a ball! I’ve seen the WDP several times (Clovis) and was so happy to get to share it with Courtney. Thank you for posing with her and making her feel so special. She had so much fun and just loves her new CDs and photos! Courtney’s mom has terminal cancer and it was really good for Courtney to get out and have as much fun as she did. All my best to you, John, and the rest of the band. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!”
-Stacey Cathey

“I LOVE Buddy Holly, he is my number one favorite artist. I’m only 22 and I saw you and you were AWESOME!!! Thank you for the great show. You are the closest to seeing a Buddy Holly concert then I could ever get.Thanks.”
– Jennifer Wright

“We saw your concert at the Reif Center in Grand Rapids, MN. and we want to tell you that your show with Ritchie and JP, was the best concert we have ever seen. I hope that you and your group will be back in our area again soon. You can be sure we will go and there are a lot of our friends and family who also want to come the next time. We can’t stop raving about your show. We thought all of you looked and sounded just like the people you imitated. We couldn’t tell any difference.”
-Ken and Judy Zollner

“I will never forget the concert. It was at the Grand Opera House in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.The way the people were swaying back and forth to the music and clapping, I thought the balcony would collapse. It was wonderful. The best concert I have ever seen !!!”
-Judy Ziebell

“Thank you so much for such a great show! We love you guys!!
– Sue Meng

“Your show at Eau Claire was fabulous! I have been a huge Buddy Holly fan since age 13. ( I’m now 60 ). I felt like it was 1959 and Buddy Holly was on stage. I love the fact that you stick to the original and don’t stray too much from it. I saw the ” Buddy” musical play at the Ordway in St. Paul several years ago. Your show is better.Your whole show is great, including the Big Bopper and Ritchie.Thanks for keeping the spirit alive.”
-Jim Shiely.

“Just wanted to say that I had the chance of seeing your show here in Artesia, New Mexico on Tuesday night and I thought it was an amazing show. Although I wasnt born until 1964 my parents listened to that music so I grew up hearing it. Hope the City of Artesia brings you guys back again for another performance, because I will definitely go again. Keep up the good work and God Bless.”
– A young fan Ronna Schiel

“Just want to thank you and the band for a GREAT emotional show in Clear Lake on Friday. What a wonderful time we had..the whole band and George especially hits a lotta licks perfectly so pass along that I think that the entire band is one of the best groups I’ve stood to hear… I went to Clear Lake for the first time mostly because you guys were there for Friday night…It mattered to me that the show was so tight and that you still care after all these years….even after seeing your show several times in the last 10 yrs, I had to be front and center for this one as you understand what the music means to you and I knew you would send it to us…and you nailed the spirit of the night. Thanks for the music, it means a lot to me.”
-Doug Andreen

“I just had to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your show last night! It was amazing, and truly one of the most memorable performances I have ever seen. I just turned 26 on the 19th of January, so unfortunately I wasn’t around to experience this amazing music first hand in the 50’s. But after last night I really wish I would have been! I was blown away. I’ve spent almost all morning on your websites, yourbuddyjohn.com and winterdanceparty.com.”
-Jen Kunkel

“Our friends John and Maria Santoy, Ken & Barb Wolff and my husband Bob and myself Gloria Jean Siegel-Howe just came back from your show in Hartford at the Schauer Center in Hartford, Wisconsin. This will be the 4th time we went and we were again in the first row. I was the one who gave you the flowers tonight. On behalf of our friends, I would like to thank you, Mr. Anthony, and the band members for a wonderful show which brings memories back to all of us and makes us believe we are back in our teens. You are a blessing to all of us and we can’t thank you enough for continuing this journey of yours of keeping the music alive. We appreciate all of you and we pray that you will continue to come to Hartford every year. We never get tired of seeing all of you. You are magical to us.”
-Bob & Gloria Jean Siegel-Howe